Meltdowns and toddlers seem to go together like peanut butter and jelly. Some people have asked me why I even bother taking my Dole Whips on vacations and why not wait until they are a little more agreeable! Well, I believe every stage has it's issues, I am personally not looking forward to taking my know it all tweens and teenagers to the parks and I really think that with some preparation, the meltdown ratio can be minimized or completely eliminated. Here are some meltdown points to help ... VIEW POST
Meltdown Proof Your Disney Vacation- Travel Agent Mom Tips
Jiminy Society Favorites! Rides! Our Picks for Magic Kingdom Edition!
When planning your Disney vacation with children, it's pretty important to know and prioritize what's important. Some families don't have the luxury of being there for 7-10 days, so they have to fit a lot of magic in 3 or 4 day trips! Knowing what rides tend to be the favorites of the littlest dole whips will help you in your itinerary planning. Most of the rides listed have no height restriction, that means the whole family can join in. These rides are also themed around characters that they ... VIEW POST
The best age for Disney is..this age..the best time for Disney is…right now.
What age is the best age for Disney? It's the kind of question that fills the Disney advice boards and gets the comments rolling. Everyone has an opinion and everyone knows best but I'm here to tell you, the best age for Disney is..this age..the best time for Disney is...right now. Every Disney trip I take with my Dole Whips is different. Every trip is filled with specific memories and moments that I can never duplicate or get back and it's because I just want to be there with them at this age. ... VIEW POST
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